Wednesday 26 February 2014

Day 19

I'm in love with my food <3

Day 18

What a beautiful way to start the day! The sun was rising with all kinds of pink, red and orange colours. Its always way too early when I'm in traveling to work by train. But today was a good morning to watch the outside world pass by.

After working my ass off at work (really the day didn't seem to end at all), a colleague and I went to a really nice little restaurant and ate french fries. After that we spend the evening chilling in front of the local supermarket, enjoying plenty of energydrink. Our excuse was that we had a lot of work in front of us. Which I'm actually supposed to do now but I'm tired, its 2.08 hour and I think I've done enough for today.
Nighty night!

Monday 24 February 2014

Sunday 23 February 2014

Day 16

God morgen kjære venner :) Today its saturday and we have been sleeping in for as long as our backs could take it. The pictures show my lovely stuffed animals Trui (sheep) and Knoet (the Scottish highland cattle).

After a nice and long sleep I went to my parents house and had to do quite a lot of work. It sucks to be a teacher sometimes. It's a 7 days a week job. Anyways, this is all about being positive and I had a very beautiful trip to my parents with a setting sun behind the trees. 

Thursday 20 February 2014

Day 14

Coming home, being tired from work and just let yourself fall down on the couch to watch your hypnotizing fishies. Balapan and La are the most talented zen masters I know.

Day 13

Today was the first day that I could run without any pain. Long live my new orthotics!  
It's so wonderful to run through a dark and quiet city after you finished work.

Tuesday 18 February 2014

Day 12

This is a picture my mom sent me today. Its a present for my grandma to thank her for my beautiful graduation present. She loved it :)

Day 11

Time for a pink coloured mask ^^

Sunday 16 February 2014

Day 10

Waking up only to sit down in a chair cuddling for another hour with my little friend feels like heaven. 

After that I've been doing drawing excercises with my mom. When I got home late at night I hung up my skull. It looks awesome. Really in love with it!!

Friday 14 February 2014

Day 9

Graduation day hooray!! I can officially say that I'm an English geography teacher now :)

Tuesday 11 February 2014

Day 6

After a long day of work nothing feels as good as spoiling yourself <3

Monday 10 February 2014

Pie birdies

Omnia new album pictures

Oh wauw Omnia you did such a good job! These are the pictures for the new album Earth Warrior, expected to be released this spring. Seeing the pictures makes me extremely excited. Can't wait!!

Day 5

I happen to love monday mornings. It is actually the only day in the week that you are still doing okay on the tired scale. You just had the weekend to get lots en lots of sleep and monday is sooo much better than friday. On friday you are always so tired after a full week of work. Anyways, this monday morning turned out to be even better than normal. One of my colleagues put this adorable pack of chip cookies in my mailbox. They tasted delicious! And even better because it's not my birthday and no special day whatsoever. So thank you dear Frauke for your random act of kindness. ^^

Sunday 9 February 2014

Day 4


I love to sleep late and to watch the light shine through my curtains once I wake up around 13.00p.m.
Then get out of bed, shower and have breakfast/lunch with eggs to start the day.

And the day got ever better after I made this picture wall on the wall next to my creative workspace. Yay!

Day 3

Candle wax art with my best friend.

Day 2

Today I'm only wearing my favourite colours: green, black & orange.

Thursday 6 February 2014

365 days challenge: day 1

So this week I read about a special quest for happiness. A woman who wasn't feeling all that happy about her life was looking for a way to start enjoying the little things again. Her solution..

Take a picture of something that made you happy that day. Post it and repeat this every single day so that in the end you will have one beautiful survey of happiness.

Even though I'm known for wanting to do a lot of things but never start on doing it or only do it for about a few days.. CHALLENGE ACCEPTED!

This is it, my day 1.

I finally started reading a book I've been wanting to read for quite a long time. I've been staring at it for about a few weeks now, for the one and only reason that it promises to change your life. Wow, that is one big promise!
According to the author, the practicing of mindfulness will help me provide an inexhaustible source of opportunities to develop a greater intimacy with my mind, to learn about my greatest desires, to learn in general, to grow and to heal. It will help me learn more about who I am and and give me insights about my place in this world, wisdom, the meaning of life and last but not least, happiness. :) 

This day, a beautiful winters day with a bright setting sun, is the day I start to change my life. Lets hope the author is right about this.