Thursday 18 September 2014


The Sage
You're the sage! According to Carl Jung, the sage represents wisdom and the search for truth. You are wise beyond your years, patient and a deep thinker. You're driven by a thirst for knowledge. One of your greatest fears is being ignorant, misled, or duped. You're incredibly intelligent but you risk over analyzing until you're incapable of actually making a decision. You're an old soul and wise beyond your years, but Jung would tell you don't get lost in the clouds!

Sunday 15 June 2014

Weekly images

Every week I add new images to my collection. Just some random things I come across on the internet. Thing I like, make me laugh, make me smile, make me sad or make me silent.
So from now on I will not only keep them to myself but put the weekly highlights here on this blog.

My wise words of the day :P

Day 56

Creepy trip through the forrest..

Day 55
