Tuesday 5 March 2013

Skirt made of ties :)

So the first thing I did was searching and searching for the cheapest ties I could possibly find. Due to the fact that my hips are so called 'extremely curvy' I needed almost 14 ties in total.

After I maneged to get as many ties as I could, I meassured how I wanted the skirt to be and simply cut the ties in pieces.

Once cut I had to sew them all together (as you can see on the picture above)
If you consider doing this yourself you should really check the colours and lines. I almost made the mistake to sew two stripe-patttern ties next to eachother.

After stitching the ties together and pinning them around the skirt to see if it fits you can start sewing the ties onto your skirt.

As a finishing touch I put a little ribbon on the sewing line so you wouldn't see it anymore.
The result :) :

Sunday 3 March 2013

Some say..

There is a theory which states that if ever anyone discovers exactly what the Universe is for and why it is there, it will instantly disappear and be replaced by something even more bizarre and inexplicable.

There is another theory which stated that this has already happened. ..

For your phone

A little while ago I made this phone cover with an owl on it.

The material I chose to work with is felt. It's a very soft material and it can be used to clean your screen with. It will also protect the phone when you accidentaly hit something cause it's quite thick.

I made the base of the cover with a sewing machine and the owl by hand.

At first I picked out the material and colour I wanted to work with and I meassured the size of my phone.  After that I just started sewing =)


Saturday 19 January 2013


Last week I came across such a lovely website: www.abeautifulmess.com
It got me totally inspired, resulting in me running around with different patches and sewing like there was no tomorrow. The result? 3 super cute little owls (:

Thursday 10 January 2013


Watching this before you go to bed will guarantee pleasant dreams (:

Wednesday 9 January 2013

Setonix brachyurus, the Quokka

A small animal in the Western part of Australia. No matter what kind of picture I see of this ridiculously cute animal, it seems to be laughing like the happiest thing on the planet.

Week 1

Collect some beautiful sentences or parts of sentences. Write them down and use them as an inspiration.
  • Don’t have to speak
  • To remain daily
  • In each others hearts, always
  • The only person who never gets tired of listening to your pointless dramas
  • Over and over again
  • Thing will get better, it might be stormy now, but it won’t rain forever
  • So full of love and light that none of what is going on outside of you matters
  • You have to do what is right for you
  • No one walks in your shoes
  • Giving up doesn’t always mean you are weak sometimes it just means you are strong enough to let go.
  • Get up, go back to bed.
  • I stay up late every night and realize it’s a bad idea every morning.
  • Takk skal du ha.
Write down one of the sentences you choose and write down a short reaction to it. Think about what it is you want to write before you start. It has to be approximately 10 lines in 3 to 5 minutes.
Takk skal du ha. It literally means “You shall have a thank you”. I love the fact that in that sentence you are announcing that you will thank a person. It makes the expression of gratitude even bigger, or maybe even very formal. I can imagine some gentleman say it to someone. He has a moustache, a high black hat and a trench coat. He will bend over towards the person he wants to thank and say “You shall have a thank you”. After that he will turn around and walk away into the shadows.
Word poem
a. Chose one of the following words: fantasy, pie in the sky
Pie in the sky
b. Write down the letters of the word underneath each other.
c. Create a new word or short sentence by using the first letter.
Wouldn’t it be wonderful
This is a simple exercise where you can indulge in all your wishes, whether they are realistic or just fantasy. The exercise is easy. You start with the sentence: Wouldn’t it be wonderful….
Keep adding words behind it, like:
- Wouldn’t it be wonderful to eat chocolate right now?
- Wouldn’t it be wonderful to have nails that can’t break?
- Wouldn’t it be wonderful to eat without gaining weight?
  • Wouldn’t it be wonderful to fly?
  • Wouldn’t it be wonderful to sleep all day?
  • Wouldn’t it be wonderful to live in a world without money?
  • Wouldn’t it be wonderful to have enough space and time for a lot of animals?
  • Wouldn’t it be wonderful to visit space?
  • Wouldn’t it be wonderful to be the smartest person alive?
  • Wouldn’t it be wonderful to find peace?
  • Wouldn’t it be wonderful to swim in a river of silk?
  • Wouldn’t it be wonderful to be every person you want to be?
Do you have a certain image connected to relaxation? Is it the beach, a splashing river or delicious smelling tea.
Try to find an image that shows that feeling and write down the reason.

The view I had from my balcony. I sat there for hours and hours just listening and watching the sky turn dark or grow lighter.
During the day I heard people talking, laughing and making noise. I heard cars pass by and birds chirping.
When the night arrived everything went silent. I could just sit there for hours and think, or not think at all.
I never grew bored, for the sky always changed just like the people.
Eventually it the sun would come up again and I would watch the sky change colour.
The birds started singing again and I knew I would have to go to bed.
It’s beautiful..

Ready, set, go!

I’m ready.. I have the key to open my own personal world full of fairies, goblins,  impossible weirdness and of course relaxation and lots of fun. The upcoming weeks I will be working on this project. The purpose it to create your own place filled with words, notes and other writings. Every week I will have to do a new assignment and post it here.
I’m very excited and curious what this journey will bring.